EU Taxonomy alignment and eligibility assessment and consultancy

To achieve the EU’s 2050 climate neutrality targets, the EU has created a Green Deal Action Plan, which includes a Sustainable Finance Action Plan. As part of this, the EU Taxonomy (Regulation 2020/852) came into force on 12th July 2020. 

The aim of the taxonomy is to steer future investments into sustainable economic activities and thus make an important contribution on the way to climate neutrality in 2050. At the same time, the taxonomy poses reporting challenges for companies, as the implementation effort was underestimated for a long time.

The goals at a glance

The taxonomy does not represent a commitment to sustainable investments or economic activities, but primarily serves to identify “green” activities. Exactly which activities contribute to the restructuring of the economy and thus count as “green” is determined by the six climate and environmental targets defined by the EU:

climate change mitigation

adaptation to climate change

sustainable use and protection of aquatic and marine resources

transition to a circular economy

pollution prevention and reduction

protecting and restoring biodiversity and ecosystems

Along the lines of the above objectives, green activities can be identified that contribute significantly to the transition to a sustainable economy.

Taxonomy compliancy

Who does the taxonomy affect?

In principle, all companies covered by the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD)) are required to disclose information on the conformity of their business activities with the EU taxonomy. Accordingly, the EU taxonomy currently affects those capital market-oriented companies that have already been required to publish non-financial disclosures, the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) has been published, whereby the circle of companies subject to reporting requirements and thus affected by the EU taxonomy is successively expanding considerably.

The following deadlines are currently foreseen for implementation by companies:

      • 2024 for all large companies already required to report under NFRD (reporting in 2025 for fiscal year 2024)
      • 2025 for all large companies (reporting in 2026 for fiscal year 2025)
      • 2026 for all capital market-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises with the exception of micro enterprises
        (reporting in 2027 for the financial year 2026).

What content must be disclosed?

Basically, the regulation provides for the disclosure of the share of “green” sales revenues, capital expenditures (CapEx) and operating expenditures (OpEx) in terms of the taxonomy for each individual taxonomy-capable or -compliant economic activity and for each of the environmental targets. Using these metrics, the taxonomy is intended to provide a basis for investment decisions and to increase the informative value of reporting, for example, by outlining what percentage of a company’s revenue comes from sustainable economic activities.

EU Taxonomy as a tool to promote green property finance

On 31 August 2021, the Hungarian National Bank (MNB) announced the Green Capital Relief Scheme for companies and municipalities, and extended its conditions in March 2022. This introduced a green financing incentive into the lending mechanism of commercial banks.

In practice, this means that lending for certain “green” activities can benefit from a so-called “capital relief” if the appropriate requirements are met. In case of real estate, for example, the discount can be 5% or 7% (to encourage credit institutions to finance more green projects, as they can substantially reduce their capital requirements, which the MNB expects to ensure the stability of the banking system.)

The MNB has identified three possible ways in which individual properties can qualify for the discount:


according to the EU Taxonomy, which is based on the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act for new construction, acquivisition and ownership and refurbishment of real estates, the available discount: 7%


according to the “Hungarian specific” taxonomy, which is a version tailored to domestic industry practices and specificities the available discount 5%


Buildings with green certification (BREEAM, LEED, DGNB, etc.) 5% discount is available.

Our services regarding EU Taxonomy compliance

EU taxonomy consultancy and certification

In relation to compliance under points 1 and 2, the MN6 Energy Agency team supports interested companies with consultancy and EU Taxonomy eligibility assessment services in the following real estate related activities:

Real estate property acquisition

Property renovation

Installation, maintenance
and repair
of energy efficient equipment

Installation, maintenance and repair of renewable energy technologies

New real estate construction

Installation, maintenance and repair of charging stations
for electric vehicles within buildings

Installation, maintenance and repair of instruments and appliances for measuring, controlling and monitoring the energy performance of buildings

EU Taxonomy management workshops

Our experience so far is that the most effective  way to understand the taxonomy framework and green activities is an on-site workshops with the management. This includes:

  • an overview of EU Taxonomy legislation,

  • green financing options and related taxonomy requirements, and

  • possible ways of compliance, taking into account the company’s specificities
taxonómia workshop