initial ESCO financing in Hungary – Comparative analysis

Project title: ESCO funding

Project term:  2013-2014.


 Short description of the project

 Based on project plans assembled by our Company, we requested other leading ESCO (Energy Service Co) Companies to submit their quotations and offers including a detailed list of conditions and contractual elements. Submitted offers were fully reviewed and appraised, we organized joint technical inspections at the location, and finally we carried out the comparison of the offers to find the best bidder. After the conclusion of the contract, we successfully filled the project manager role throughout the construction phase.

The project

 In the case of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects, funding always comes from the cost savings achieved through the realized developments. ESCO companies are professionals in carrying out and managing these processes, but their approach and contracts vary widely. Just like loan agreements at banks in general, this funding method also carries a lot of pitfalls, so details, technical precision and accuracy, and appropriate preparation are all crucial.

 In our experience, comparative analysis of completed projects can save the client from numerous hidden risks and costs, and can significantly contribute to clearer technical content.