minisztériumi épület fotóinitial NÉER (National Facility Energy System)

Project title: Facility energy assessment, physical inspection, data collection and processing

Project term: 2013. June – December

Partner:  Central Office for Administrative and Public Services

Short description of the project

Technical inspection and assessment of the energy aspects of 40 public buildings, including collection of data and uploading to the National Energy System. 

The project

 As a part of the Second National Facility Energy Action Plan, the National Facility Energy Strategy has been appraised by ÉMI Nonprofit Ltd.

According to Section 5 of the EU directive on Energy Efficiency 2012/27, member states are bound to disclose facility energy data on all buildings operated by the central government. To meet this requirement, EMI Nonprofit Ltd has developed a system called National Facility Energy System.

In order to outline the strategy and action plan for updating public buildings from energy efficiency aspects, a key element included the collection of all relevant data regarding the energy consumption and energy management of these public buildings, used and operated by the Central Government. As a part of a countrywide project, we have been commissioned with the comprehensive technical evaluation of the 40 buildings, including their structural profile, and technological features of their heating, cooling, and air-conditioning equipment.

After uploading all data, results and technological developments already carried out have been reviewed, and we made recommendations for further optional investments which can also lead to energy savings.


 Technical inspection and assessment of the buildings with a total territory of 258.000 m2 included the review of their architectural, engineering, and energy profile. We carried out data collection, uploaded data to the system, and provided recommendations for further energy saving opportunities.